On 01-09-2010, I took a pregnancy test and found out that I am pregnant alhamdulillaah ”Thank God.” I was so happy but at the moment, I cried so hard. What made me cry is that my mother isn’t here. My mother passed away on 04-08-2009. It’s been very hard on me these past few months. My mother would have been the first person to know. Sometimes I catch myself wanting to call her and tell her the good news. When that happens, I usually break down and cry. I know she would be so proud of me. Proud that I’m married, happy, and having a baby. So I’m about four weeks. At the same time, I’m happy and scared. I’m sure I’ll be more calm in the coming months. Oh I how I wish my mother was here. I love her so much. I called my Uncle first. I would’ve called my husband, but I got scared. When I told my husband, he was so happy. I told a few friends. After I took the digital test the next day, it came out positive. My husband said I can tell everyone. My in-laws are so happy. All my friends are too. I can’t wait until I feel my baby move inside of me, later find out the sex of the baby, and then delivering my baby. Until then, I will enjoy being pregnant.
Salam Wa Alaikum,
ReplyDeleteMashallah Alf Mabrook on your pregnancy! Inshallah you have a healthy pregnancy and baby and easy labor.I'm sorry about the lose of your mother.